Revolutionary Desire [Machine::Machines]

 The fact there is massive social repression that has an enormous effect on desiring-production in no way vitiates our principle: desire produces reality, or stated another way, desiring-production  is one and the same thing as social production. It is not possible to attribute a special form of existence to desire, a mental or psychic reality that is presumably different from the material reality of social production. Desiring-machines are not fantasy-machines or dream-machines,  which supposedly can be distinguished from technical and social machines. Rather, fantasies are secondary expressions,  deriving from the identical n fr+\e of the two sorts of machines in any given set of circumstances. fhus )fantasy is never individual. It is group fantasy, as institutional analysis has successfully demonstrated.'And if there is such a thing as two sorts of group fantasy, it is because two different readings of this identity are possible, depending upon whether the desiring-machines  are regarded from the point of view of the geat gregarious masses that they form, or whether social machines are considered  from the point of view of the elementary forces of desire that serve as a basis for them. Hence in group fantasy th{[bido (may invest all of an cxisting social field, including the latter's most repressive forms; or on the contrary, it may launch a counterinvestment whereby revolutionary desire is plugged into the existing social field as a source of energy. (The seat socialist utopias of the nineteenth-century function, for example, not as ideal models but as group fantasies-that is, as agents of the real productivity of desire, making it possibie to disinvest the current social field, to "deinstitutionalize"  it, to further the revolutionary institution of desire itself)'But there is never any difference in nature between the desiring-machines and the technical social machines. There is a certain distinction between them, but it is merely a distinction of regime,. depending on , relationships of size. Except for this difference in regime, they are the same machines,  as group fantasies clearly prove.